Waterproof Stadium Blankets

Waterproof Stadium Blankets

It’s that time of year again where we will be cheering on our kids on those chilly fall nights in the bleachers freezing our butts off. Wouldn’t it be great if you had something that would not only keep you warm and dry while you are cheering on your kids but also showed your support for your child’s team? Have you ever thought about getting custom waterproof stadium blankets? You have? Great because AMBRO Manufacturing is here to help you make that plane old boring waterproof stadium blanket into something extraordinary for you and all the other fans in the stands.

How can AMBRO Manufacturing make your waterproof blankets into something extraordinary? Well it’s simple actually, by screen printing all over the blankets with your child’s team name and logo. Some screen printing companies will screen print your waterproof stadium blankets but will remove the waterproof coating to print on them. Here at AMBRO Manufacturing when we are finished with your blankets they will still be waterproof and they will awesome. What more could you want while you are in the stands cheering your child on? Well I’m sure if you can think it we can make it for you because we here at AMBRO Manufacturing can do much more than just screen printing on stadium blankets.

Our custom stadium blankets are available as a rolled up blanket with built in carrying handle. The water proof side is black waterproof material and the primary side is available in 6 colors of fleece.

Waterproof Stadium Blankets

It will start with waterproof stadium blankets but it will go onto be all of your spirit wear that you will be getting from AMBRO Manufacturing. So why not open up a spirit wear store online with AMBRO Manufacturing and you can raise money for the team and sell those awesome waterproof stadium blankets and much more. If you would like to learn more about AMBRO Manufacturing or opening an online store send us an email or give us a call at (908)806-8337.